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Content/Basic Thinking

Accepted Knowledge

Problem Solving - Designing - Decision Making


Problem Solving

1. Sensing the Problem

How can you make art students be more sensitive to the design and expression problems in their early ideas?

2. Researching the Problem

How can students visually research a problem and visually collect information?

3. Formulating the Problem

Instead of "just" making a project how can students be taught to form artistically appropriate problems, not just respond to the project expectations of the teacher?

4. Finding Alternatives

What can the teacher do to keep students from too quickly accepting their early idea or ideas instead of visually speculating on other possibilities?

5. Choosing the Solution

What artistic skills of decision making do students need?

6. Building Acceptance

How can students use art criticism skills to explain the significance of the visual form they have created?



1. Imagining a Goal

How can the teacher build student's visualization abilities?

2. Formulating a Goal

How can students be taught through thumbnail sketches to zero in on a visual goal?

3. Inventing a Product

What visual thinking process are necessary for students to truly invent new approaches to form?

4. Assessing the Product

How can teacher help students develop deeper criteria for evaluating their work in-process?

5. Revising the Product

How can a strategy be devised so that students will value the process of reworking art works based on in-process assessment?

Decision Making

1. Identifying the Issue

What does it mean to teach students to identify artistically engaging issues?

2. Generating the Alternatives

How can students learn genuine fluency in the production of visual alternatives before settling on a final composition?

3. Assessing the Consequences

How can students visually explore the effects of their visual decisions on the final form?

4. Making a Choice

Should all artistic decisions be based only on personal taste?

5. Evaluating the Choices

Do historical precedents have a role in helping students make quality decisions?



Content/Basic Thinking

Critical Thinking

Creative Thinking