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Teaching Suggestions:

Promote the perception of non-apparent, but basic structural (physiognomic), qualities in every concrete situation.

Promote playful bisociative (substitutional) thinking rather than associative (functional and categorizing) thinking.

Encourage students to personally and bodily bisociate with all visual experiences.

Teach Visually--show personal, visual, and poetic paths for the development of all visual ideas. Strive for this even though these paths cannot be known in precise verbal terms.

Support in every way possible the rigorous use of analogy to refine visual idea.

1. If some connections are discovered, push ahead with the analogy on the assumption that other aspects will also be found to have surprising similarities.

2. Push for more complete and deep analogical connections, moving from logical analogies to more complex physiognomic synaesthetic, affective, and even paradoxical analogies.


Metaphoric Thinking

Physignomic Interest



Disguised Symblism

Teaching Suggestions



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