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Global/Multicultural Perspectives Definition:

The actual history of art is by nature multicultural. Global Perspectives in Art education fosters inclusion of multicultural histories, promote equity in gender representation, embrace a variety of art forms and aesthetics and use resources consciously with the interconnected and pluralistic nature of life as foundational.

Related Concepts:

Multiple Art Histories: Multiple art histories are worthy of inclusion and study. Many may have oral traditions. Some may have been infused in the canon of Western art texts. Naming of cultural groups respectfully should replace labels connoting inferiority such as"primitive," "naive," etc. Social agendas have determined historic exclusion of and support fßor certain art in the past.

Inclusiveness of Artists and Art forms: Inclusiveness is the attitude of welcoming all sorts of artists and art forms into the world of art and art history. Artwork and texts reaffirming group pride and achievements enrich and rebalance the curriculum.

Women's Art and Gender Equity: Women artists have existed throughout time. "Herstories," are being acknowledged as important, reversing repression and exclusion of women's art. Feminist Art began to bring attention and change to inequities in art history, women's issues, artistic achievements of women, the art of crafts and the value of collaboration and multiple interpretations of art.

Using and Sustaining Resources: Art incorporating global perspectives attends to consideration for the earth's resources. Throughout time, artists have utilized natural and synthetic materials in many ways. Careful use of resources can affect their sustainability. Preservation of art objects and structures is also of concern.


Historical Context

Art History Lives in the Present

Global/Multicultural Perspectives

Visual Images and Objects

Art, History and Society

Teaching Suggestions



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